Муай Тай
Новости Бойцы Дирекция Рейтинги Галерея
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Мероприятия TV Russian  England 
Мероприятия: 2008 год

29 февраля 2008 г. - ринг PFA-STADIUM

29 февраля в Омске на ринге PFA-STADIUM пройдет очередной Российский профессиональный турнир по тайскому боксу.

1 ПАРА, ВЕС ДО 76.2 КГ (5 раундов по 3 мин)

Савин Дмитрий (с.к.Летур Центр Муай Тай - Омск) победа техн. нокаутом в 3 раунде над Рассказов Роман (с.к.Бангкок - Омск)

2 ПАРА, ВЕС ДО 72.6 КГ (3 раунда по 3 мин)
Каип Рустам (с.к.Летур Центр Муай Тай - Омск) победа по очкам над Эльмурадов Умид (с.к Самарканд - Узбекистан)

3 ПАРА, ВЕС ДО 79 КГ (5 раундов по 3 мин)
Зукау Николай (с.к.Летур Центр Муай Тай - Омск) победа по очкам над Хижук Александр (с.к Легион - Омск)

4 ПАРА, ВЕС ДО 63.5 КГ (5 раундов по 3 мин)
Бердыев Руслан (с.к Летур Центр Муай Тай - Омск) победа нокаутом в 3 раунде над Пермяков Олег (с.к Байкал-профи - Иркутск)

5 ПАРА,ВЕС ДО 69.9КГ (5 раундов по 3 мин)
Аджиниязов Марсель (с.к Летур Центр Муай Тай-Омск) победа по очкам над Вигуль Кирилл (с.к. Маяк - Прокопьевск)

Промоутер турнира - Олег Кудринский

Супервайзер -Олег Вернер

Любое использование материалов сайта без разрешения администрации PFAMT и указания источника запрещено!
Опубиковано 02/27/2008 10:46:26 AM
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Летур Центр Муай ТайЛетур Центр Муай Тай
Инфраструктура, тренерский состав, организация спортивного процесса
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Компактные недорогие квартиры повышенной комфортности

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Спортивная продукция с символикой нашей ассоциации
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Фото спортсменок на арене PFA STADIUM
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Региональная Омская Спортивная Федерация Кикбоксинга

Российская Федерация Тайского Бокса

Администрация города ОмскаАдминистрация города Омска
Департамент физической культуры и спорта Администрации города Омска

World MuayThai Federation World MuayThai Federation

Один Мир,один Муай Тай.

Империя Тайского БоксаИмперия Тайского Бокса

Бусидо - Путь воинаБусидо - Путь воина
Портал боевых искусств

Профессиональный спортклуб и промоутерская компания

Ассоциация Тайского Бокса РоссииАссоциация Тайского Бокса России

Информационно-развлекательный порталИнформационно-развлекательный портал

Школа Муай Тай - Романа Насонова (Москва)


Марсель самый красивый бой в турнире,ну и остальные ребята красавчики,молодцы Летур Центр Муай тай,я горжусь что здесь тренеруюсь.

Автор: сом. Отправлено: 05.03.2008 15:21:53
Dear Sir/Madam,
We obtain reference of your company from Internet.Kindly give your small precious time to read our company's products which may be for your interest.There is no doubt that we searched you after alot of hard work to make busienss and keep hope to make a brilliant cooperation with you from now onwards.

We are manufacturer's of high quality performance of
Martial Arts Uniforms
Karate - Judo - Jiujitsu Bjj Custom - World Taekwondo - International Taekwondo - Kung fu/Tai Chi - Ninja - Kendo - Team - Hakama - Hapkido - Capoeira - Panjak Silat - Tan soo do - Yoseikan - Kali

Martial Arts Weapons
Swords - Bo/Jo/Kali - Bokkens/Kodachi - Escrima - Kama - Sai - Katanas - Tonfa - Knives - Nunchaku - Armour - Dagger - Damascus - Helmet - Sheilds - Throwing Stars - Jumping Ropes - Stands for Weapons made of Wood.All weapons we can also produce in special wood white oak. cuchi wood etc.Your own designs are acceptable.

Martial Arts Belts
Karate(One-Two Colour) - Judo(One-Two Colour) - Jiujitsu - ITF - Kung Fu(One-Two Colour) - Ninja - MDK - Capoeira - Yoseikan - Laido - Master Black - Competitional(Red-Blue)

Boxing Products
Boxing Gloves - Bag Mitts - Head Guards - Kick Sheilds/Focus Mitts - Boxing Shorts - Muay Thai Shorts - Booard Shorts - Fight Shorts - Grappling Shorts- Grappning CamouFlage Shorts - Muay Thai Shorts - Boxing Trousers - Boxing Shoes / Footwear - Punching Balls - Punching Bags - Chest Guards - Groin Guards - Shin Instep - Weightlifting Belts

Sports Wears
T Shirts - Rash Guards - CamouFlage Rash Guard - Men Wears - Women Wears - Track Suits - Jackets/Winter-Summer - Suana Suits - Wrestling Lycra Suits - Top - Sports Caps - Towels - CamouFlage Shorts Lycra - CamouFlage Bra Lycra - these are also available in cotton.

Sports - Travel Bags
Karate Bags - Judo Bags - ITF Bags - Shoes Bags - Weapon Bags - Football Bags - Backpack Bags - Hip Bags - Ladies Bags - Office Bags - Laptop Bags - Book Bags - Travel Bags - Sport Bags Double Floor

Motorbike Products
Motorbike Uniforms - Motorbike Jackets - Motorbike Gloves - Men Motorbike Jackets - Ladies Motorbike Jackets - Motorbike Trousers - Motorbike Body Armour - Motorbike Chaps - Motorbike Shoes - Motorbike Vests - Motorbike Tool Bag

Weight Lifting Gloves - Goal Keeping Gloves - Cycling Gloves - Working Gloves - Winter Gloves - Summer Gloves - Dressing Gloves - Driving Gloves - Fingerless Gloves - Moto Cross Gloves - Riding Gloves - Sailing Gloves - Welding Gloves

Gum Sheilds
Single/Double Boiled Bite Gum - Single/Solid Transparent Colour

Sports Balls
Soccer Balls - Rugby Balls - Mini Balls - Volley Balls - Tennis Balls

Hand Wraps - Patches - Stickers - Mini Kimonos - Mini Boxing Gloves with string or keyring - Mini Chest Guards - Mini Punching Bags - Mini Focus Mitts - Mini Footwear - Mini Weapons - Mini Rackets - Mini Knives - Keyrings - Rounds - Head Bands Embroidered - Head Bands Pinted - Flags - Socks.

We are skill in producing all kind of custom design products.We are not the biggest but want to be the best .Rather than doing a catalogue with some of products, we decided to create a very comprehensive webcatalgue with virtually all our products. You can send us your own design or visit our web-site at http://www.parwishasports.biz and inform us the style numbers to make with the modification as your idea.If you don't deal with the business at the moment,I shall be much grateful that you will pass this inquiry to whom is interested in above mentioned products.We would be pleased to discuss ideas and queries.

Hassan Naseer- CEO

Parwisha Sports
Shehzada Azad Street
Sambrial - Sialkot 51310
Punjab - Pakistan
Tel (Office): 92 52 6935200
: 92 52 6522600
Fax : 92 52 6522300
Cell: 92 345 6400777 - 92 300 7114200
URL: http://www.parwishasports.biz, E-mail: info@parwishasports.biz

Online Talk:
MSN: parwishasports@hotmail.com Yahoo: parwishasports@yahoo.com Skype: parwishasports

Автор: Hassan. Отправлено: 09.10.2008 18:02:52
Dear Sir/Madam,
We obtain reference of your company from the Internet.Kindly give your precious time to read our company's products which may be for your interest.There is no doubt that we searched you after alot of hard work to make busienss and hope to make a brilliant cooperation with you from now onwards.

We are manufacturer's of high quality performance of
Martial Arts Uniforms
Karate - Judo - Jiujitsu Bjj Custom - World Taekwondo - International Taekwondo - Kung fu/Tai Chi - Ninja - Kendo - Team - Hakama - Hapkido - Capoeira - Panjak Silat - Tan soo do - Yoseikan - Kali

Martial Arts Weapons
Swords - Bo/Jo/Kali - Bokkens/Kodachi - Escrima - Kama - Sai - Katanas - Tonfa - Knives - Nunchaku - Armour - Dagger - Damascus - Helmet - Sheilds - Throwing Stars - Jumping Ropes - Stands for Weapons made of Wood.All weapons we can also produce in special wood white oak. cuchi wood etc.Your own designs are acceptable.

Martial Arts Belts
Karate(One-Two Colour) - Judo(One-Two Colour) - Jiujitsu - ITF - Kung Fu(One-Two Colour) - Ninja - MDK - Capoeira - Yoseikan - Laido - Master Black - Competitional(Red-Blue)

Boxing Products
Boxing Gloves - Bag Mitts - Head Guards - Kick Sheilds/Focus Mitts - Boxing Shorts - Muay Thai Shorts - Booard Shorts - Fight Shorts - Grappling Shorts- Grappning CamouFlage Shorts - Muay Thai Shorts - Boxing Trousers - Boxing Shoes / Footwear - Punching Balls - Punching Bags - Chest Guards - Groin Guards - Shin Instep - Weightlifting Belts

Sports Wears
T Shirts - Rash Guards - CamouFlage Rash Guard - Men Wears - Women Wears - Track Suits - BeeKeepers - Jackets/Winter-Summer - Suana Suits - Wrestling Lycra Suits - Top - Sports Caps/Hats - Towels - CamouFlage Shorts Lycra - CamouFlage Bra Lycra - these are also available in cotton - Hoodies

Sports - Travel Bags
Karate Bags - Judo Bags - ITF Bags - Shoes Bags - Weapon Bags - Football Bags - Backpack Bags - Hip Bags - Ladies Bags - Office Bags - Laptop Bags - Book Bags - Travel Bags - Sport Bags Double Floor

Motorbike Products
Motorbike Uniforms - Motorbike Jackets - Motorbike Gloves - Men Motorbike Jackets - Ladies Motorbike Jackets - Motorbike Trousers - Motorbike Body Armour - Motorbike Chaps - Motorbike Shoes - Motorbike Vests - Motorbike Tool Bag

Weight Lifting Gloves - Goal Keeping Gloves - Cycling Gloves - Working Gloves - Winter Gloves - Summer Gloves - Dressing Gloves - Driving Gloves - Fingerless Gloves - Moto Cross Gloves - Riding Gloves - Sailing Gloves - Welding Gloves

Gum Sheilds
Single/Double Boiled Bite Gum - Single/Solid Transparent Colour

Sports Balls
Soccer Balls - Rugby Balls - Mini Balls - Volley Balls - Tennis Balls

Hand Wraps -Knee Pads - Anklets - Arm Mitt - Patches - Stickers - Mini Kimonos - Mini Boxing Gloves with string or keyring - Mini Chest Guards - Mini Punching Bags - Mini Focus Mitts - Mini Footwear - Mini Weapons - Mini Rackets - Mini Knives - Keyrings - Rounds - Head Bands Embroidered - Head Bands Pinted - Flags - Socks.

We are skill in producing all kind of custom design products.We are not the biggest but want to be the best .Rather than doing a catalogue with some of products, we decided to create a very comprehensive webcatalgue with virtually all our products. You can send us your own design or visit our web-site at http://www.parwishasports.biz and inform us the style numbers to make with the modification as your idea.If you don't deal with the business at the moment,I shall be much grateful that you will pass this inquiry to whom is interested in above mentioned products.

Many thanks in Advance!

Your Truely,
Hassan Naseer- Prop.

Parwisha Sports
Shehzada Azad Street
Sambrial - Sialkot 51310
Punjab - Pakistan
Tel (Office): 92 52 6522600
: 92 52 6935200
Fax : 92 52 6522300
Cell: 92 345 6400777 - 92 300 7114200
URL: http://www.parwishasports.biz E-mail: info@parwishasports.biz

Online Talk:
MSN: parwishasports@hotmail.com Yahoo: parwishasports@yahoo.com

Автор: Hassan. Отправлено: 26.03.2009 13:02:19
Dear Sir.
I hope that you will be keeping well.
Najfee Leather specializes in manufacturing all kinds of Boxing Gloves, Bag Mitts, Head Guards, Kick Shield, Focus Pads, Hand Gears, Grappling Gloves, Punching Bags, Knee Guards, Chest Guards, Under Guards, Shine Insteps, Gym Belts and martial art equipments having manufacturing unit in Pakistan.
Our companies goals are deliver the quality products at the right prices to help establishing mutual beneficial business together. You are also guaranteed to enjoy the high value services and excrement care in every small detail from us in product development and production shipment.
Meanwhile we appreciate it if you could offer your running items for our quotation and sampling purposes. Thus you could have a better idea of our workman ship and they price point as well. However at any time you have a new samples request of concept for product development, please feel free to contact us. You will be sure of having our professional and efficient services as always.

Export Manager
Najfee Leather,
Sialkot Pakistan.
TEL# 0092-321-6106108
2nd# 0092-312-6106108
Fax# 0092-52-4293005
Skype ID: mr.muhammad.safdar
E-MAIL: info@najfeeleather.com
Website: www.najfeeleather.com

Автор: Najfee Leather. Отправлено: 02.08.2009 12:52:39
THIS IS A IMPORTANT INFORMATION: It exists a statement from the Italian police in the cares of Hassan PARWISHA SPORTS, for missed return of money or of the orderly products. The Italian and Pakistan embassy was informed and also their want to project statement to Hassan and his company. For any questions, you can write me in my email

Автор: jkd. Отправлено: 26.11.2009 17:02:56
Dear Sir/Madam
Petal enterprises specializes in manufacturing all kinds of leather garments including:
1. Cycle Gloves.
2. Motorbike Gloves
3. Fashion Gloves.
4. Weight lifting Gloves.
5. Winter Gloves.
6. Working Gloves.
7. Boxing Gloves.
8. Leather and Fabric Jackets.
9. Golf Gloves
We have enormous history of 15 years in manufacturing and exporting good products at affordable rates. We have our distribution office at New York and manufacturing unit in Pakistan.
The goal of our company is to provide you quality products at right prices with exceptional services. You can make choice of quality items from our web www.petalent.com or you may provide your own samples to manufacture, we will be up to it.
You will be sure of having our professional and competent services as always.
Best Regards
Zeeshan Aslam
Export Manager
Petal Enterprises
Sialkot, Pakistan
Tel : +92-52-291493
Cell: +92-300-6114502
Fax: +92-52-271493
Web : www.petalent.com , info@petalent.com, petalent@gmail.com

Автор: Petal Enterprises. Отправлено: 02.12.2009 14:42:04



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